Our Company was established in 2012, under the proprietorship, management and with the contribution of private individuals having acquired outstanding professional experience in the domestic and overseas electricity industry. Our strategic objective is the active participation in domestic and foreign energy projects at designer, project manager and contractor level, especially to industrial electricity projects, renewable energy developments and locating tenderable funds.
Our main activity profile includes the planning, implementation and reconstruction of low and medium voltage electricity grids. Supplementary activities are typically operation, maintenance, and construction of overhead and underground cable networks, low- and medium voltage transformer stations and public lighting networks.
The project team implementing the project, made up of the owners and employees of our Company and any consultancy resources used, look back on professional experience spanning more than 29 years and possess great expertise in the electricity industry/market, and have been active over the years in nearly all segments of the domestic and overseas installation industry, participating in design, construction and maintenance projects, in designing and building communal and residential buildings, as well as in implementing (sensitive) technological projects.
Our objective is to fully meet our partners’ expectations, establishing long-term cooperation. We continue to expand and develop our range of services, meeting current challenges, putting our vast industrial experience and professional commitment to use.
Our team of professionals is the guarantee for long term success, efficiently encompassing all sectors of planning and licensing.
Our experienced engineers possess MV-ÉV ME-VV -EN-HŐEN-MEMV-TV -ME-HI-TVME-HI-TÉEN-VIMV-VI ME-EN-VI Vn qualifications, regularly participating in professional trainings, keeping the pace by familiarising themselves with state of the art technologies.
We are a member of the MANAP Sectoral Association and the Hungarian Photovoltaic and Solar Collector Association.